Designer Concretet Flooring

Commercial Stained Concrete Flooring Options

Concrete Flooring

Stained Concrete Flooring Overlay

Stained concrete flooring overlay can be created in any pattern or style.

Stamped Concrete Flooring

Create any natural look of your choice ranging from tile, brick. slate or stone.

Concrete Flooring
Concrete Flooring

Epoxy Concrete Flooring

Seals and protects concrete floors against chemicals and provides an easy to clean surface.

Brand And Corporate Logos

Insert your brand or logo on your concrete floor with a clear seal to protect it.

Concrete Flooring
Concrete Flooring

Plain Concrete Flooring Seal

A clear flooring seal on plain concrete takes on the colour of the ambient lighting.

Demarcated Concrete Flooring

Seals and protects concrete floor against rough wear and tear while demarcating floor space.

Epoxy Flooring
Concrete Flooring

Stained Concrete Flooring

Makes a statement while sealing and protecting your concrete flooring. Easy to keep clean.